Been In A Multi-Car Accident? 4 Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs

If you've been involved in a multi-car accident, you need to take added precautions. If you've ever been in a two-car accident, you may think you know how to proceed. But that's not necessarily the case. Multi-car accidents aren't as cut-and-dry as most two-car accidents are. That's because there are more cars and drivers to include in the events. Here are four mistakes you should avoid if you've been involved in a multi-car accident. [Read More]

Got The Wrong Diagnosis? Medical Malpractice Basics

For most people, when they hear medical malpractice, they think of surgical mistakes and other physical injuries resulting from medical provider error. However, what many people don't think about is the fact that an incorrect diagnosis can also be considered medical malpractice in some instances. If you suspect that you may have been misdiagnosed, you should understand some of the key indicators and what constitutes medical malpractice. What Are Some Signs You Were Misdiagnosed? [Read More]

4 Common Myths About Personal Injury Law

People who suffer injuries due to the carelessness of another person's negligence have the right to file a lawsuit. However, some individuals do not file these lawsuits because they believe certain misconceptions about personal injury law. It is important to educate yourself so that you can obtain the compensation you deserve.  Here are a few common myths about personal injury law you should know about. Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer Is Expensive [Read More]

You Must Prove Causation In Any Wrongful Death Suit

Wrongful death lawsuits often come down to a few important elements, including negligence and a breach of duty. Causation is one of these elements. Without causation, it may be hard to win your case.  Causation proves that the cause of death is directly linked to the negligent actions of another person or entity. As if understanding this concept was not difficult enough, causation is generally categorized into two different forms; actual cause and proximate cause. [Read More]